school trips to mongolia


Prepare for an immersive journey through the captivating tapestry of Mongolia, a land where the threads of nomadic tribes, revered shamans, skilled reindeer herders, and eagle hunters seamlessly intertwine.

Nestled in the heart of Asia, Mongolia emerges as one of the world's most diverse and captivating landlocked destinations, offering a unique blend of cultural richness and natural wonder. As the cradle of a civilization that once shaped human history, Mongolia's vast steppes, enigmatic deserts, tranquil lakes, and flourishing forests serve as your classroom, inviting your intrepid school group to delve into a realm of cultural insights and ecological marvels.

Get ready to unlock the secrets of this extraordinary nation as you embark on an educational adventure that transcends textbooks and brings history, culture, and nature to life.

Beyond Classrooms and WildMongolia, anchored in Ulaanbaatar, have jointly crafted educational excursions that span the entirety of Mongolia.

Our collaboration is grounded in a shared vision of authentic learning, with programs exploring both urban and natural landscapes. United as a singular team, our focus is on imparting lessons of leadership, compassion, and teamwork. Together, we promise transformative journeys through Mongolia's diverse terrains. Click here to learn more about WildMongolia.

Get Inspired

These are our favorites. Let’s talk about how to create your perfect school trip to Mongolia!

13th Century Emperors

Delve into the history of Mongolia

Equals in the World

The Wildlife of Mongolia

The Call of the Wild

Geography & Sustainability in Mongolia

How Being Sandwiched Between Russia & China Has Affected Mongolia?